Troop 3 of Burlington, is proud to recognize one of its Boy Scouts who recently earned the Boy

Scouts of America’s highest advancement award, the Eagle Scout Award.

Logan Hamma, the son of Corey and April Hamma of Dallas City, Illinois, earned the Eagle Scout

Award on December 18, 2024. A member of Troop 3 since 2018, Logan is a junior at Burlington

Notre Dame High School.

Every Eagle Scout candidate must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges and successfully

complete a community or church related service project to earn his Eagle. Hamma is the

125 th Eagle Scout from Troop 3, and their fifth Eagle Scout of 2024. Nationally, less than 6

percent of scouts attain the Eagle rank.

For his project, Hamma worked with the Dallas City Riverview Sportsman to construct and

install 10 Wood Duck houses in Hancock County, Illinois. According to Ducks Unlimited, “Wood

duck houses, or nesting boxes, help wood ducks and other cavity-nesting birds thrive in areas

where natural habitats have unfortunately become scarce.”

“Scouts are taught to be conservation advocates, so I love to see projects like this,” stated Dan

Fell, Troop 3’s Charter Organization Representative. Fell continued, “and with Logan doing it,

you can guarantee it was done very well.”

Hamma has had a stellar journey as a Boy Scout, earning 38 merit badges, camping 93 nights,

kayaking 75-miles down the Cedar, Iowa, and Mississippi Rivers with a self-supported crew,

whitewater kayaking and rafting over 50-miles on the New River at the Summit in West Virginia,

being a member of the Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk and the Order of the Arrow, and serving in

several key leadership positions for the Troop, including Senior Patrol Leader from 2021 – 2022.

Logan has also earned the Ad Altare Dei, Parvuli Dei, and Light of Christ medals. Troop 3

Scoutmaster Don Schier said, “Logan has been very active with the Troop. He is an exceptional

young man and an excellent scout.”

Troop 3 is Iowa’s Oldest Boy Scout Troop. Founded in 1916 at St. John’s Church, they have been

continuously chartered since 1917. In 2022, American Legion Post 52 of Burlington, became

Troop 3’s chartered organization.